Tuesday, July 6, 2021

 Richard Donner Dies

Richard Donner was an American film producer and director and an amazing comic book writer.He  passed away this Monday at the age of 91.

 He started his career as a Television Director.He directed many films such as The Omen-1976, the superhero film Superman-1978, The Goonies-1985, Scrooged-1988.He and his wife owned a production company The Donner's Company,best known for producing X-Men Francis and Free Willy. He received  an Award in 2000 by the President from The Academy of Science Fiction , Fantasy  and Horror Movies. 

Richard Donner and his wife Lauren Schuler produced a dozens of other films under their The Donner's Company  production banner that has

Mel Gibson on 'Lethal Weapon' Director Richard Donner's Passing away;

'Magnanimous of Heart and Soul'

Danny Glover on Richard Donner; 'My Heart is Broken'

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Krispy Kreme Offering dozen Doughnuts for $1 Today in the Honor of Holiday Weekend

Today, in the celebration of marvelous holiday weekend the business is offering a hot deal. On Sep 5, the person who purchases a dozen doughnuts  will also receive a dozen original glazed for $1.


Krispy Kreme has locations in Aron and Middleburg Heights.

Friday, September 4, 2020


Cleveland Police Officer Shot and Killed in the Line of Duty:

A 53-year old detective James Skernivitz was shot and killed in the Line of Duty and another individual was also killed as a result of this incident but the identity of the second officer is not released yet!!

About The Officer:

According to the identification James Skernivitz was a 53-year old detective and he's a 25-year veteran of the Cleveland Police Department,  his identity was confirmed to 3 news early this morning by the president of the Cleveland Police Patrolmen's Association, Jeff Follmer.

Saturday, July 4, 2020

Fourth Of July Food Deals

There are lots of free food and cheap food deals on the Fourth of July. You can order it online through links and many other sites. You could chose any site and enjoy your favorite meal.These are some of the famous food sites where you can order any meal you want.

  • KFC
  • Wendy's
  • Jack In The Box
  • Jimmy John's
  • Applebee's
  • 7-Eleven
  • Drizly
  • Del Taco
  • Olive Garden
  • Godiva

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Deadly Earthquake in Mexico

A Deadly and Powerful earthquake hit Mexico's southern Oaxaca region and killed 5 people.

Earthquake with 7.4 magnitude

On Tuesday, a deadly and powerful earthquake hit Mexico's southern Oaxaca region. It killed at least five people and its vibrations were felt hundreds of miles away.
The earthquake struck mid-morning and the people were shocked. According to the US Geological Survey the magnitude of the earthquake was 7.4 and its epicenter was off the Pacific coast about 7 miles southern west of Santa Maria.

The earthquake blocked the mountain roads and the villages were isolated.

According to the Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez 147 aftershocks had been reported.

This wasn't the first large earthquake that hit Mexico with a magnitude of 7.4 in recent years. The largest magnitude of earthquake that hit Mexico on September 2017 with a magnitude of 8.1 taking the lives of 60 people.

Monday, June 22, 2020


The Yellowstone National Park is located in United States and it was established on 1 March,1872. Its also home to many wild species of animals like Bison, Wolves, Elk, Bears etc.

 The National Park covers about 3,472 square miles of the area.Yellowstone National Park is in three states:
  • Wyoming 
  • Small part of the section to the north
  • North West of Montana 
The National Park is also known as World's first  National Park.   The average temperature of Yellowstone is 32.3 F and  the warmest month is July with an average temperature of 55.1 F. 

Facts about Yellowstone National Park

  • The Yellowstone Park sits on the top of an active volcano.
  • The Yellowstone contains about 290 waterfalls.
  • Its tallest waterfall is near a road. Lower falls of the National Park river at 308 feet(94 m).

Sunday, June 14, 2020

Sushant Singh Rajput  Has Been Found Dead??

On Sunday 14, June, The famous Bollywood Actor  Sushant Singh  Rajput  has been found dead in his Mumbai residence. According to the police and media the 34 year old Sushant Singh Rajput  has found hanging in his apartment. The details of his death are being investigated.  Whats the reason of his suicide.No one knows that it was a suicide or a murder.

Sushant Singh  who started as a TV actor and became a famous and well known celebrity among the people.

Akshay Kumar  a Bollywood star Twitted" Honestly this  news has left me shocked and speechless"

When this news became viral  many people were shocked and didn't believed this news.


Flag day is celebrated to honor National Flag.it is celebrated on 14 June in the US ( United States). This day is celebrated for the date in 1777 when the National Flag  design for United States  was approved. The designer of National 50 star Flag  of United States was"Robert G . Bob Heft". The inventor of  National Flag Day was  Bernard Cigrand. 
Bernard Cigrand
In 1916, May 30,
President Woodrow Wilson issued Presidential proclamation  on 14 June for celebrating National Flag Day.

President Woodrow Wilson


Every one knows that there are 50 stars on the US flag but what does it represents??? The 50 starss represent the 50 states of the United States and the 13 strips represent the 13 British Colonies that gained independence from the Great Britain and became part of the United States.

The color of the Flag are symbolic as well each color represents different meaning.
  • Blue  represents justice and perseverance , vigilance.
  • Red   represents hardness and valor.
  • White  represents purity and innocence.


Flag Day is almost celebrated by every American but how do we celebrate Flag Day? We celebrate Flag Day by displaying the Red, White and Blue in front of our homes.

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Whats are Volcanoes ??

 A volcano is a mountain or hill that has a hole through the crater or vent that enters to a pool of molten rock and magma below the surface of the Earth.The word Volcano comes from  Roman name  ''Vulcan"  which means God of Fire.
Volcanoes are located all over the world  and are in different sizes. The largest volcano in the world is in Mauna Lao and the largest Volcano in the Solar System is in Mars also known as The Red Planet.

Mount Mauna Lao

Mount Lao is located in Hawaii Big island.When  measured  its length it was 17000 m ( 56000 ft)!!The Mount was covered with pile of lava. The weight of the Volcano was  that much heavy that it bent the oceanic crust under  the volcano.It is considered the Earths most  active volcano and it erupted  33 times in the Historic times.It last erupted in 1948.


  • Approximately  350 million people are living in danger areas of active Volcanoes.
  • Temperature of  Lava from a volcano can reach 1,250 degree Celsius.
  • Volcanoes are located throughout our Solar System.
  • Due to eruption of Mount Vesuvius an Italian town Pompeii was  destroyed completely and the remains of the people were found. 

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Bermuda Triangle 

Bermuda Triangle or Hurricane Alley  is a mythical part of Atlantic Ocean which is roughly connected to Miami. It's really famous  mysterious  place known for its disappearance of ships, planes and boats. Many ships and planes have been mysteriously disappeared under strange circumstances.

The first mysterious disappearance appeared was in September 17, 1950 and the first article about the Bermuda Triangle was written by Edward Winkle Jones and from then on many other articles were written.The triangle covers about 500,000 square miles of the ocean off the southern tip of Florida.
The Bermuda Triangle has spawned a host of conspiracy theories and just as many books, movies and even comic books.

Facts about Bermuda Triangle

  • The triangle is responsible for the biggest loss of life in the US Navy history outside of battle.
  • The USS Cyclops is a large 19'000 bulk carrier. In March 1918 the USS cyclops was carrying manganese ore but apparently her optic blast ability couldn't say ever the ship disappeared without a trace taking over 300 souls with her.

  • The Bermuda Triangle isn't actually a triangle. It  has no official boundary. The Bermuda Triangle isn't recognized as a real place which is why it isn't found on any official World Maps.
  • The Bermuda Triangle is reported to be one of only two regions where magnetic north and true north seem to switch places.

  • Bermuda Triangle is one of the warmest climatically active regions on the planet because of  this its also home to one of the largest systems the earth has to offer.      

Thursday, May 14, 2020


When we are talking about conspiracy theories or mysterious people Men In Black comes in our mind's  first.We have a lot of questions that Who are these Men In Black? Are they real or just  an imaginary character's. We have seen the Men In Black movie but beside that movie does Min In Black really exist?

Men In Black are men who are dressed in black suit and they claim that they are government agents who assassinate  those people who claim UFO witnesses and try to keep them quit about what they have seen by threatening them. Sometimes people and conspiracy theorists consist that these Men In Black might he Aliens themselves or they might be working for unknown or secret organizations. It is well known that whoever these Men In Black  be working for don't want the other people to know about the UFO's or Alien.

On June 21,  1947  the story of Men In Black  began when two men named Harold Dahl and Fred Crisman  were working as harbor patrolmen in Washington's Puget Sound.  They were gathering logs along the shore of an island when they saw something strange. They claim they saw six donut-shaped objects floating about a half mile above them. Before they knew that what was happening, one of the six crafts dived bomb about a thousand feet  and dropped some kind of white metal or lava like substance all over their boat. The mystery metal damaged the ship and broke a crewmen's arm. But Dahl managed to snap a couple of pics before they were able to get away by the skin of their teeth. The  very next day the pair say they were visited mysterious Men In Black, who claimed to know all about what happened and warned them that if they were ever told a soul,terrible things would occur. Some people consider this event a lie and some really believe that Aliens exist and are kept secret by the government.

Another event happened to Dr, Herbert Hopkins. He worked as a UFO consultant in Maine he had received an important phone call regarding information regarding UFO in the area from am anonymous activist in the UFO community but only moments after receiving this call" Dr, Hopkins was visited by a man dressed in black who want him to destroy all information that was to be given to him by the activist when they arrived as well as anything he currently had in his possession. Dr, Hopkins was skeptical of the MIB ( Men In Black) until he used a particularly spooky scare tactic the Men In Black correctly guessed that Hopkins had two penny coins in his pocket and told him to remove one and hold it in the palm of his hand he then went on to make it disappear without ever touching it Hopkins said the coins simply faded from existence the MIB then inquired if Dr, Hopkins knew of an alleged UFO abductees are called Barney Hill when Dr, Hopkins said that he believed Barney had died a few years earlier the MIB replied

" Barney didn't have a heart... just like you no longer have a coin" 

Implying he had been killed by the agency using the same dark magic. Hopkins was so scared by this encounter he went on to burn all his Alien research and from that day Ford had repeated trouble with that phone line suspecting it may have been tapped. This event have been remained a mystery.

Next we have the story of Jim Templeton   who is from Solway, Firth ( UK). He was spending the day with his daughter in the countryside of solway firth. Solway Firth is a border between England and Scotland in the United Kingdom. Jim took photo of his daughter in the field and to his surprise and horror. When it was  developed he noticed a strange man in spacesuit standing behind his daughter looking up at the skyline. Jim had four photograph checked out by kodak for company responsible for making the 35mm film this photograph was taken on they verified it was a real person in the frame and not a laboratory error. Soon after Jim was visited by two government agents who  referred to themselves simply as number 9 and number 10. These MIB demanded Jim  to show them the area where this  photograph was taken at but when Jim informed them he never saw the man in this photograph in real life the agents grew hostile and stormed off. Later Mr, Templeton was contacted by the staff of a missile launch pad in Australia who informed him that two figures resembling the man in this photograph were spotted in the security footage. Creepiest still the missile that launched from this site in Australia was produced less than 20 miles from where Templeton took this photograph.

The MIB have even had run ins with celebrities the most documented case being with actor Dan Ackroyd of ghost busters fame. Ackroyd was filming a new series about the paranormal specifically looking into UFO research. He stepped out of the studio and onto the street to take a phone call for a few moments one night while working as he did so he saw a black  Ford parked
across the street a tall man dressed in black stepped out of the car and starred him down. Akroyed turned away from the man for a few moments and when he turned back the man and his car were gone they had vanished. Upon  returning to the studio Aakroyed had been told his show has been cancelled and they were to stop production immediately. 

Finally we had the conclusive evidence of  the real MIB. It comes in the form of CCTV footage captured from a hotel lobby. It was APRIL 2012  at a hotel in Canada and the manager was a little disturbed when his bell boy informed him that the previous day the hotel had been visited by two tall men dressed completely in black who demanded too speak to him. They had heard that the manager had been speaking of a UFO sighting. He claimed to have recently  encountered  upon discovering the manager  was not around. These men had stirred up a frenzy talking about government and conspiracy theories. They apparently had no facial hair no eye brows and were incredibly tall but scariest of it all they apparently had identical faces.
What do you think are these events real comment below and let me know.    

  Richard Donner Dies Richard Donner was an American film producer and director and an amazing comic book writer.He  passed away this Monday...