Tuesday, May 5, 2020




The secret community that tried to remain a secret isn't a secret anymore here I'am talking about the Illuminati. The Illuminati used to be a very real group with ambitious goals. According to many theorist the Illuminati group  operated for only a decade 1776 to 1785 but due to the actions of many Celebrities  a doubt still exists that the Illuminati group may be still exists.

The ILLUMINATI group is a powerful and savagely guarded organization that secretly control's the entire modern world. The word ILLUMINATI comes from a Latin word "illuminatus" meaning "enlightened" is a name that has been in use since the late 15 century and has been applied to various groups since then. The Illuminati were founded by professor Adam Weishaupt in Bavaria on Mayy 1, 1776. Members of the  Bavarian Illuminati referred to" Perfectibilists" were broken into three tiers of increasing power and dawn from societal  elites including noblemen. All communication was in cipher and members were given classical nicknames( Weishaupt's name was Spartacus)

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