Sunday, May 3, 2020

Area 51

What Is Area 51?

Area 51 ,in southern Nevada, is a US military base the very existence of which was unconfirmed until 2013, when the CIA was obliged to respond to a freedom of information request from 2005. Based on historical evidence, it would appear that Area 51 supports the development and testing of experimental aircraft and weapons.Even those with security clearance to visit Area 51 are transported there from Las Vegas via an airline called "Janet," whose planes are unmarked and which shrouds its windows upon descent.

The intense secrecy surrounding Area 51 has sparked rumors that the government uses it to house crashed UFOs and conduct lab tests on aliens. Other theories about what Area 51 is used for include: research on time travel, research on teleportation, meetings with extraterrestrials, and activities related to a shadowy one world government.

As secretive as the notorious Area 51 seems now, it was even more hush-hush until a few years ago. The government refused to acknowledge it even existed for years but was forced to come clean when 1992 CIA documents mentioning the military base were dis classified in 2013

Visitors take plane from Las Vegas to get there

The unmarked so-called “JANET” planes supposedly keep their windows covered when new visitors arrive.Passengers who are allowed on the plane have the highest level of security clearance and are most likely employees of the military base, but no one knows for sure.

Facts about Area 51

. The name conjures an aura of secrecy, mystery, and of course, extraterrestrial happenings. Indeed, the military installation — located about 80 miles (129 kilometres) northwest of Las Vegas, Nevada — is the site of secretive military testing
the name comes from designations on Nevada Test Site maps from the 1950 s.Area 51 is part of the Nevada Test Site (now known as the Nevada National Security Site), a remote area of desert 65 miles (105 kilometres) north of Las Vegas. It was the Nevada Test Site that hosted hundreds of nuclear weapons tests starting in the 1950 s,almost 100 of which were above ground.Area 51

,Encyclopedia Britannica says that the one for-certain uncertainty about the zone is its name. Like everything else involving the site, the theories are out there: A video published by business insider suggests the name stems from the location's proximity to nuclear test sites that were divided into numerically-designated areas.

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